Discover Red Rock Online Training

Will Red Rock Courses help with compliance?

Yes!  We believe that there is no better way to inspire best practice and maintain compliance records specific to your organisation’s requirements.

Our professionally authored courses help ensure you meet relevant guidelines and requirements pertinent to your sector. Regular reviews and updates are complemented by robust checks for CPD compliance, meaning you can have full confidence in the quality of the course content.

Each certificate is unique and can be verified and authenticated by the Red Rock Training platform, which offers 24/7 access to records and information for HR, audit or compliance purposes. Full system and service back up is also available, simply contact us to find out more"

What about Inspections?

We place the highest emphasis on ensuring that all training undertaken by candidates through the Red Rock platform meets all the relevant criteria to deliver a robust and comprehensive experience.

To this end, each course is written and mapped to Sector Skills Council Guidelines, Core Skills Framework and other relevant Learning Outcomes and National Occupational Standards as appropriate.

Unrivalled support services also ensure you and your candidates have everything they need at their fingertips – often a service only truly appreciated when it is urgently needed.

How do I manage certificates?

All certificates are owned by you the employer and do not go to the learner directly.

You can choose whether to retain certificates or permit download by the learner. All of the learner's interaction with the Red Rock system offers downloadable records of all learning activity. We can also provide additional customisation options that provides bespoke services to each organisation.

All evidence is stored and can be "interrogated at will" using the information as required, supporting individuals to achieve courses or provide required information "on request". This enlightened approach offers employers what they need, with full support at the press of a button or at the end of a phone call.

How can we be confident in the quality of the course material?

Red Rock Training’s comprehensive course library is constantly reviewed and updated.

Delivering relevant courses across a variety of sectors, the continuous review process takes into account changes in legislation, emerging concepts and changes in best practice. Furthermore, we listen to what our users say and encourage feedback at the end of each course. This also helps us to keep everything fresh, both in terms of what we do and also how we do it.

Our enterprise options support organisations to most closely meet their requirements. We offer various options to customise elements of the system and what is available, with a fully branded and supported service option that enables us to deliver your own content, whether that be policies, procedures, instruction manuals, induction courses, reference material, or just updates or information that are important to your business.